Dream Cheeky Usb Dancing Robot Driver

My new USB PIC32 based board shows off all of its 78 I/O pins by lighting up LEDs. Dream Cheeky USB Plasma Ball - Duration. Big Easy Driver, 4 motors - Duration: 0:45. Brian Schmalz 7,657.

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Node.JS library for communicating with USB devices in JavaScript / CoffeeScript.

This is a refactoring / rewrite of Christopher Klein's node-usb. The API is not compatible (hopefully you find it an improvement).

It's based entirely on libusb's asynchronous API for better efficiency, and provides a stream API for continuously streaming data or events.

Libusb is included as a submodule. On Linux, you'll need libudev to build libusb. On Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install build-essential libudev-dev

Then, just run

to install from npm. See the bottom of this page for instructions for building from a git checkout.


Use Zadig to install the WinUSB driver for your USB device. Otherwise you will get LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when attempting to open devices.


Top-level object.


Return a list of Device objects for the USB devices attached to the system.

usb.findByIds(vid, pid)

Convenience method to get the first device with the specified VID and PID, or undefined if no such device is present.


Constant properties from libusb

usb.setDebugLevel(level : int)

Set the libusb debug level (between 0 and 4)


Represents a USB device.


Integer USB device number


Integer USB device address


Array containing the USB device port numbers, or undefined if not supported on this platform.


Object with properties for the fields of the device descriptor:

  • bLength
  • bDescriptorType
  • bcdUSB
  • bDeviceClass
  • bDeviceSubClass
  • bDeviceProtocol
  • bMaxPacketSize0
  • idVendor
  • idProduct
  • bcdDevice
  • iManufacturer
  • iProduct
  • iSerialNumber
  • bNumConfigurations


Object with properties for the fields of the configuration descriptor:

  • bLength
  • bDescriptorType
  • wTotalLength
  • bNumInterfaces
  • bConfigurationValue
  • iConfiguration
  • bmAttributes
  • bMaxPower
  • extra (Buffer containing any extra data or additional descriptors)




Open the device. All methods below require the device to be open before use.


Close the device.

.controlTransfer(bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, data_or_length, callback(error, data))

Perform a control transfer with libusb_control_transfer.

Parameter data_or_length can be a integer length for an IN transfer, or a Buffer for an out transfer. The type must match the direction specified in the MSB of bmRequestType.

The data parameter of the callback is always undefined for OUT transfers, or will be passed a Buffer for IN transfers.

.setConfiguration(id, callback(error))

Set the device configuration to something other than the default (0). To use this, first call .open(false) (which tells it not to auto configure), then before claiming an interface, call this method.

.getStringDescriptor(index, callback(error, data))

Perform a control transfer to retrieve a string descriptor

.getBosDescriptor(callback(error, bosDescriptor))

Perform a control transfer to retrieve an object with properties for the fields of the Binary Object Store descriptor:

  • bLength
  • bDescriptorType
  • wTotalLength
  • bNumDeviceCaps

.getCapabilities(callback(error, capabilities))

Retrieve a list of Capability objects for the Binary Object Store capabilities of the device.


Return the interface with the specified interface number.


List of Interface objects for the interfaces of the default configuration of the device.


Timeout in milliseconds to use for control transfers.


Performs a reset of the device. Callback is called when complete.



Return the InEndpoint or OutEndpoint with the specified address.



List of endpoints on this interface: InEndpoint and OutEndpoint objects.


Integer interface number.


Integer alternate setting number.

.setAltSetting(altSetting, callback(error))

Sets the alternate setting. It updates the interface.endpoints array to reflect the endpoints found in the alternate setting.


Claims the interface. This method must be called before using any endpoints of this interface.

.release([closeEndpoints], callback(error))

Releases the interface and resets the alternate setting. Calls callback when complete.

It is an error to release an interface with pending transfers. If the optional closeEndpoints parameter is true, any active endpoint streams are stopped (see Endpoint.stopStream), and the interface is released after the stream transfers are cancelled. Transfers submitted individually with Endpoint.transfer are not affected by this parameter.


Returns false if a kernel driver is not active; true if active.


Detaches the kernel driver from the interface.


Re-attaches the kernel driver for the interface.


Object with fields from the interface descriptor -- see libusb documentation or USB spec.

  • bLength
  • bDescriptorType
  • bInterfaceNumber
  • bAlternateSetting
  • bNumEndpoints
  • bInterfaceClass
  • bInterfaceSubClass
  • bInterfaceProtocol
  • iInterface
  • extra (Buffer containing any extra data or additional descriptors)



Integer capability type.


Buffer capability data.


Object with fields from the capability descriptor -- see libusb documentation or USB spec.

  • bLength
  • bDescriptorType
  • bDevCapabilityType


Common base for InEndpoint and OutEndpoint, see below.


Endpoint direction: 'in' or 'out'.




Object with fields from the endpoint descriptor -- see libusb documentation or USB spec.

  • bLength
  • bDescriptorType
  • bEndpointAddress
  • bmAttributes
  • wMaxPacketSize
  • bInterval
  • bRefresh
  • bSynchAddress
  • extra (Buffer containing any extra data or additional descriptors)


Sets the timeout in milliseconds for transfers on this endpoint. The default, 0, is infinite timeout.


Clear the halt/stall condition for this endpoint.


Endpoints in the IN direction (device->PC) have this type.

Dream Cheeky Usb Dancing Robot Driver Download

.transfer(length, callback(error, data))

Perform a transfer to read data from the endpoint.

If length is greater than maxPacketSize, libusb will automatically split the transfer in multiple packets, and you will receive one callback with all data once all packets are complete.

this in the callback is the InEndpoint object.

.startPoll(nTransfers=3, transferSize=maxPacketSize)

Nao Robot

Start polling the endpoint.

The library will keep nTransfers transfers of size transferSize pending inthe kernel at all times to ensure continuous data flow. This is handled by thelibusb event thread, so it continues even if the Node v8 thread is busy. Thedata and error events are emitted as transfers complete.


Stop polling.

Further data may still be received. The end event is emitted and the callbackis called once all transfers have completed or canceled.

Dream Cheeky Usb Dancing Robot Driver Updater

Event: data(data : Buffer)

Emitted with data received by the polling transfers

Event: error(error)

Emitted when polling encounters an error. All in flight transfers will be automatically canceled and no further polling will be done. You have to wait for the end event before you can start polling again.

Event: end

Emitted when polling has been canceled


Endpoints in the OUT direction (PC->device) have this type.

.transfer(data, callback(error))

Perform a transfer to write data to the endpoint.

If length is greater than maxPacketSize, libusb will automatically split the transfer in multiple packets, and you will receive one callback once all packets are complete.

this in the callback is the OutEndpoint object.

Event: error(error)

Emitted when the stream encounters an error.

Event: end

Emitted when the stream has been stopped and all pending requests have been completed.


Dancing Robot Video

usb.on('attach', function(device) { ... });

Attaches a callback to plugging in a device.

usb.on('detach', function(device) { ... });

Attaches a callback to unplugging a device.

To build from git:

To execute the unit tests, CoffeeScript is required. Run

Some tests require an attached USB device -- firmware to be released soon.

Does not support:

  • Configurations other than the default one
  • Isochronous transfers


Note that the compiled Node extension includes Libusb, and is thus subject to the LGPL.

Current Tags

  • 1.6.3 ... latest (8 months ago)
  • 1.3.1 ... testing (3 years ago)

38 Versions

  • 1.6.3 ... 8 months ago
  • 1.6.2 ... a year ago
  • 1.6.1 ... a year ago
  • 1.6.0 ... 2 years ago
  • 1.5.0 ... 2 years ago
  • 1.3.3 ... 2 years ago
  • 1.3.2 ... 3 years ago
  • 1.3.1 ... 3 years ago
  • 1.4.0 [deprecated] ... 3 years ago
  • 1.2.0 ... 4 years ago
  • 1.1.2 ... 5 years ago
  • 1.1.1 ... 5 years ago
  • 1.1.0 ... 5 years ago
  • 1.0.6 ... 6 years ago
  • 1.0.5 ... 6 years ago
  • 1.0.4 ... 6 years ago
  • 1.0.3 ... 6 years ago
  • 1.0.2 ... 6 years ago
  • 1.0.1 ... 6 years ago
  • 0.3.11 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.10 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.9 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.8 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.8-beta1 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.7 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.5 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.4 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.2-1 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.2 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.1 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.3.0 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.2.3 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.2.2 ... 7 years ago
  • 0.2.1 ... 8 years ago
  • 0.2.0 ... 8 years ago
  • 0.1.2 ... 8 years ago
  • 0.1.1 ... 8 years ago
  • 0.1.0 ... 8 years ago

Dream Board 1.0

Law of Attraction in Education Miscellaneous

Dream Cheeky Usb Dancing Robot Driver -

Dream Board is a program for visualization (do you remember 'The Secret'?). This program helps you to create subliminal dream boards. You can add any graphic files to it to start visualization.

Dream Cheeky Usb Dancing Robot Driver 2

Dream Board is a program for visualization (do you remember 'The Secret'?). This program helps you to create subliminal dream boards. You can add any graphic files to it to start visualization. Exposure time of each image is extremely low, the effect is called subliminal messaging, and images are being imprinted into your subconscious mind, making it believe in your dream and therefore the Law of Attraction starts working making positive changes in your life. You can attract money, carrier, love, charisma, health, self-confidence and much more. Visualisation is a really powerful technique and computer helps you maximize the power of your vision board.
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File Size: 1.68MB License: SharewarePrice: $29.95

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